Antenna Theory and Design by Stutzman, Warren L
Stutzman’s 3rd edition of Antenna Theory and Design provides a more pedagogical approach with a greater emphasis on computational methods. New features include additional modern material to make the text more exciting and relevant to practicing engineers; new chapters on systems, low-profile elements and base station antennas; organizational changes to improve understanding; more details to selected important topics such as microstrip antennas and arrays; and expanded measurements topic. Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Antenna Fundamentals Chapter 3: Simple Radiating Systems Chapter 4: System Applications for Antennas Chapter 5: Line Sources Chapter 6: Wire Antennas Chapter 7: Broadband Antennas Chapter 8: Array Antennas Chapter 9: Aperture Antennas Chapter 10: Antenna Synthesis Chapter 11: Low Profile Antennas and Personal Communication Antennas Chapter 12: Terminal and Base Station Antennas for Wireless Applications Chapter 13: Antenna Measurements Chapter 14: CEM for Antennas: The Method of Moments Chapter 15: CEM for Antennas: Finite Difference Time Domain Method Chapter 16: CEM for Antennas: High-Frequency Methods Appendices List of Symbols References Problems.
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